We have prepress equipment that allows us to quickly prepare your print project while maintaining high quality standards. We utilize both Mac and PC platform workstations, loaded with powerful design software. It allows us to create and work with almost any relevant file types. 

Once all prepress work has been approved, we use an advanced direct to plate system that digitally created plates for our presses. This digital platemaking system results in higher quality printing, plus savings for our customers in both time and money.

Listed below are some of the software and hardware we use.


Prinergy Connect server
(2-2.4 ghz CPU’s, 3G RAM, 500G RAID)

Mac Workstations
Dell Workstations

Design Software

(We accept files in)

Adobe Indesign
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Acrobat PDF


Prepress NT Server
(2 –550 mhz CPU’s, 1G RAM, Mirrored 10 Gig Sys, 250 Gig RAID)
EFI Monarch Server
Office/Goldmine NT Server

4 Epson 9900 Contract and Plotter Proofs
(CGS Oris)

X-rite I1 (IO table) Spectrophotometer
Heidelberg Supersetter Platesetter
Esko Kongsberg XE10 Cad Table
(Packaging Comps)

New Roland Versa Packaging Proofing System

Workflow Software

Esko Artios Cad Packaging Software
Adobe Creative Suites
Esko Automation Engine
Esko Artwork NEO
Kodak Prinergy Connect
(PDF-based workflow system with InSite integration)

Kodak Preps
Kodak Trendsetter

Kodak Prinergy
Kodak Pandora Step & Repeat Software
Epson Stylus Pro 9600 Proofer
Epson SureColor P8000
Versa Prototype System
